Domain Sales history of UK domain name sales and domain auctions results from 2006 to current. Use for research for buying a UK domain name or for a Domain Appraisal. No account required.
For more specific results, you can type any keyword or search term in the search box and click search to see domain sales for that term.
If you click on any domain, we show you the full details of the domain sales history plus a list of similar domains for sale available for you to buy or bid on.
Buy one today!
The more relevant to your name or business that a domain name is, the more likely you may get a higher click-through rate in Search Engine results such as Google and Bing.
For example, our domain is "" - and out site is about Domain selling prices. Short domains are also easy to remember. We recommend 15 characters or less is a favourable length.
New Domain Sales
The most recent UK domain sales are shown below. Our domain name sales data is updated automatically from leading UK domain auction sites. Check back here daily for updates. Search our Domain Name Sales Database which contains sales totalling over £18 million pounds!Domain Name | Price | Date | Source |
---|---|---|---| | £340 | 16-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £135 | 15-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £350 | 15-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £211 | 15-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £601 | 15-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £752 | 14-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £135 | 13-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £255 | 13-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £690 | 12-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £1417 | 12-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £210 | 08-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £290 | 08-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £229 | 07-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £595 | 07-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £145 | 07-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £250 | 06-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £1000 | 06-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £152 | 06-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £129 | 05-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £300 | 05-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £1050 | 05-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £508 | 05-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £130 | 04-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £547 | 02-08-2024 | Domainlore | | £145 | 02-08-2024 | Domainlore |
Domain Name Search
Click on any domain name in the list to see more information and a list of similar domain names for sale.For more specific results, you can type any keyword or search term in the search box and click search to see domain sales for that term.
If you click on any domain, we show you the full details of the domain sales history plus a list of similar domains for sale available for you to buy or bid on.
Buy one today!
What is a Domain Name?
A Domain Name is the address that Internet users can use to access your website by typing it directly into the address line of their web browser.The more relevant to your name or business that a domain name is, the more likely you may get a higher click-through rate in Search Engine results such as Google and Bing.
For example, our domain is "" - and out site is about Domain selling prices. Short domains are also easy to remember. We recommend 15 characters or less is a favourable length.
Domain Sales History
Domain Prices has been collating all published UK domain name sales history since 2006.We provide this free resource for people who are looking to either buy, appraise or sell a domain name.
Use the search option above to do a domain check for current markets values for, and .uk domains.
UK Domain Sales History Sources
Our site consolidates sales data from the leading UK domain name sales platforms.Domainlore

For reasonably priced UK domains for sale and even some "hidden gems" head over to
Founded in 2009, Domainlore is a UK based domain auction platform with a good reputation.
It is extremely well managed and now boasts over 6,500 trusted members and more than £2 million in actual domain sales.
Domain Auctions run daily starting from as little as £50!
The other main platform for sales of UK domains is Sedo.comSedo is a global domain name sales and auctions platform hosting more than 20 million domain for sales, making it the world's largest domain name marketplace!

Domain Name Journal
Also visit Domain Name Journal at to see domain sales for all top level and Geo domains.This site is a refence for historical sales data but please be aware that this is a research tool and not a complete list of ALL domain sales values.
Many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both.
Our site at Domain Prices is updated as new sales are published so please bookmark us and check back soon!